Season’s Greetings (English)

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported Music Party! this year. 

In the "Sirius Music Party! in AKITA" held in spring and autumn, thanks to the members of S.Zip, we were able to share the joy of music with many people.

We also had various gatherings, such as the Mountain Ash Music Party (June, Yamagata), the CANVAS Mini Concert (December, Odawara), and the long-awaited Rhythm in Motion, connecting with people overseas. Looking back, I have had many opportunities to realize the importance of "connection and creation through music". 

Next year marks the 25th anniversary of the first SMP! We have held events in various forms, and thanks to our flexibility, we have discovered and achieved so much. Let's spend another meaningful and enjoyable year together through music activities in 2025.

We wish you a happy new year.

Koichi Murakami, Sirius Band Activities

Season’s Greetings

今年もMusic Party!を支えてくださった皆さまに、心より感謝申し上げます。

春と秋に開催した「Sirius Music Party!in AKITA」では、S.Zipの皆さんが中心となり、多くの方々と音楽の喜びを共有することができました。

Mountain Ash Music Party(6月・山形)CANVAS Mini Concert(12月・小田原)また、久々のRhythm in Motionを始め海外ともつながる、様々な集いがありました。振り返ると「音楽を通じたつながりと創造」の大切さを改めて感じる機会が多くありました。



SBA 村上晃一

2024 Sirius Music Party! in Akita

 2024 SMP! in Akita、無事に終了しました。ご来場くださった大勢の皆さま、ありがとうございました!


2024 SMP!(冬)Photo >>

主催Sensational Zipの紹介とSBA代表より(村上) >>

(春)(冬)レビュー(武藤) >>

イベント無事終了しました(平尾) >>


2024 Mountain Ash Music Party!

6月9日、山形県天童市市民プラザ・多目的ホールにて、Mountain Ash Yamagataによる『Music Party!マーチングの輪をひろげよう〜』が開催されました。

2024 Rhythm in Motion


2024 Rhythm in Motion、大盛り上がりで終了しました。



ご参加のみなさま そしてご協力いただきましたみなさま ありがとうございました😃



ご視聴いただきましたみなさまも ありがとうございました📺 


TAIKO - Rhythm in Motion / Collaboration (English)


During the 2020 season, we held an online workshop and enjoyed working with friends from all over. As we were practicing together, out of playfulness we decided to try our hand at making a collaborative video.

This project started with a connection at TAIKO - Rhythm in Motion, an event we held the previous year in April 2019. At that time, the event was held on stage.

In 2021, I hope to expand this circle of friends even further and enjoy all the projects we have planned!